Monday, September 2, 2013

Choir is starting!

The 2013-2014 choral season at Medicine Hat College is starting soon! All classes start the week of September 9 and are held at the Cultural Center.

Adult Choir -Tuesdays, 7-9
Girls' Choir - Wednesdays, 7-9
Children's Choir - Wednesdays 5:45-6:45

See you singing soon!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Girls' Choir heading to Scotland

The Medicine Hat College Girls' Choir is excited and honored to be representing Canada at the Aberdeen International Youth Festival in Scotland this summer!  Check out the websites to learn more about how Medicine Hat is being represented world-wide!!!

Good luck MHCGC!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Girls Choir Auditions


Directed by Bradley van Middlekoop

What:                    Girls’ Choir membership for the 2013-14 term.
The Medicine Hat College Girls’ Choir is a community choir of teenage girls dedicated to great singing, building friendship through teamwork, educational opportunities and excellence.  The choir functions as a major performing and touring ensemble.  In addition to being active locally, they have performed throughout Western Canada, Europe and Asia.  Choristers and parents must be willing to commit to an active schedule of rehearsals, workshops, performances and fundraising activities.
Previous musical experience is not a requirement.

Who:                     Open to all girls who love to sing and will be entering Grade 7 (12 years of age) through high school grades.  All ages of junior and senior high school are welcome.

When:                    Monday, June 10th   from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
                             Tuesday, June 11th  from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
                             Wednesday, June 12th from 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Where:                   Cultural Centre

Returning choristers will be asked to sing their part from one our pieces this past year, as well as do some vocal exercises. This is also a chance for me to see how each girl is doing and what they are enjoying or not enjoying about their choir experience.  Auditions will be 10 minutes.
New choristers will be asked to do several warm ups, sight read, and learn part of a new song. No prior preparation is needed however it does make a positive impression if girls come prepared with something to sing.  Auditions will be 20 minutes.
A parent is required to attend the audition with their daughter.
To book an audition time, please contact the Conservatory office at 403-529-3880 or 

If you require any other information please contact Bradley van Middelkoop,

Monday, March 18, 2013

Rosebowl Winners!

The Medicine Hat College Girls' Choir is proud to announce that they are the winners of the Medicine Hat Rotary Music Festival's 2013 Rosebowl Competition!

After performing Canadian folk son 'Frobisher Bay' by James Gordon at Friday's competition, we were surprised when we heard the results at Sunday's Stars of the Festival celebration.

We are so excited and can't wait to have a party!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ian Tyson Concert

Hello Adult Choir,

After sending our recording in (which was awesome, by the way), I heard back from Ian Tyson's tour manager.  He explained that Ian doesn't use technology too well and that, in his opinion, things were just running a bit too tight to make our collaboration work.

That being said, I still think our rehearsal on Tuesday was a worthwhile experience.  We pushed ourselves to new heights, made some glorious sounds, and we should be proud.

Well done!  See you next week!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Magic of Music History Classes

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Magic of Music classes this week!  As promised below is a link to all the videos we watched in our history classes.

History Playlist

If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me an email!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bad weather, bad men

Be reminded! All MHC choirs start back this week! The Children's Choir and the Adult Choir are always seeking new members.  If you or someone you know is interested in singing, please contact the Conservatory 403-529-3880.

Adult Choir - Tuesday, January 8; 7-9pm
Girls' Choir - Wednesday, January 9
Children's Choir - Wednesday, January 9; 5:45-6:45

This semester the Adult Choir will be preparing for a concert titled "Bad weather, Bad men" which will feature Canadian folk songs pertaining to the title.  Also, the Girls' Choir will be adding to their list of Canadian repertoire in preparation for their upcoming tour to Scotland!

See you this week!